We’re proud to announce that our product was featured on Dungeon Loot, a popular YouTube series and podcast. Our friends at Audio Dungeon loved our magnetic terrain, and you will too! Watch as our friends unbox and set up Dungeon of the Orc Lord. We received valuable feedback, and we’re working on improving our product. DrakenStone now has terrain products listed on Etsy, eBay, and our secure shopping cart right here at DrakenStone.com/store. Soon, we’ll add Amazon. We also offer a wide array of miniature terrain castles, tiles, accessories, and “build-it-yourself” kits. Miniatures are built to a standard 28mm scale…
…our third Kickstarter was successful! We’ve launched a new terrain set that is meant to compliment your existing collection of terrain. These rooms, corridors, passages, resemble a medieval cathedral in the Gothic style. The playing surface matches other famous brands of terrain, making it compatible with all types of terrain.
Our modular dungeon layout includes MAGNETS. These pieces will snap together. The magnets lay just below the surface of the resin, and are completely hidden. Since all DrakenStone modular pieces connect to each other with a standard 2″ opening, it was easy to hide the magnet within the outer walls.
We’ve teamed up with Reynold’s Advanced Materials of Detroit. Our resin is now rated at a 66D on the hardness scale. This is an improved formula, over our older 2018 formula. This new material is resistant to warping, and is shatterproof.
Our resin terrain is NOT painted. It comes right out of the mold looking like stone. Since it is the same color throughout, any chips or scratches become hardly noticeable.
The Arena, Wizard’s Tower, Doors, and Stairs are finally here! Another Kickstarter will be launched around Christmas of 2020.
—Uncle Andy