role play

DrakenStone Castle Campaign Setting
AnnArborDnD.com All the adventures listed on this site have been playtested. Some at GatorCon, some at Total Escape Games in Broomfield, CO, some and some at Get Your Game On in Ann Arbor, MI, and others at Eye of the Beholder Gaming Guild in Taylor MI. Read a week-by-week synopsis of the latest adventure on…

Catch us at these game conventions…
We often rent a booth at local game conventions, comic book cons, craft fairs, etc. We also share a booth with The UnRemembered Realms, featuring the books of Mick McArt. ************************** Bardicon 2019. August 16-18. 111 N Grand Ave, Lansing MI. We’ll be showing off our modular magnetic stackable terrain. https://tabletop.events/conventions/bardicon ************************** GrandCon 2019. August 30…

An Empress Betrayed: Introducing Afton
…and now, dear reader, the childhood of Afton the Elven Mage. When she was 8 years old, a band of High Elves came to conscript her father into the Army. Rather than hide in a tree trunk with her mother, Afton jumps out and tries to fight off the brigade single-handedly. The captain of this…

Cage of Thorns: Introduction
Each foe holds the key to the other’s demise… The wizard blew the dust off the map, then peered over his glasses at the parchment. It was filled with islands, each floating in a nether sea and connected with dark curving lines. His mind raced. “Can there be a pattern to the lines?” he wondered….

An Empress Betrayed: Introducing Valcora
“The companions returned to the Throne Room, victorious in their mission to free the Emissary of Ultair. Her Majesty stood stoically, facing the party with unblinking eyes. Wondering why the Empress was so still, they approached cautiously. Before them was poised a statue in the perfect likeness of Brelia. Her face was frozen in a…
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