DrakenStone is a company started by Andrew Thomas Schiller, a.k.a. The Original @dungeonartist. We make magnetic terrain with traditional molds. We also create 3D printed buildings and figures.
Made in the USA: Our company provides low cost, high quality, easy to assemble dungeon terrain. Its made right here in Tecumseh, Michigan, with materials made in Detroit at Reynolds Advanced Materials, an American Company since 1898. Each piece is CUSTOM-MADE and HAND-CRAFTED by Andy Schiller.
Rock-Hard Material: Our miniature dungeons are hand-poured, solid Gray 80D resin and made in the USA, with no toxic additives. It is both lightweight and durable. With our 3D printed buildings, we use PLANT-BASED PLA+ material, non-toxic, made from corn, doesn’t hurt the environment.
No Painting Required: To give you a real granite look, we add in tiny graphite dots. Unlike other dungeon terrain, there’s no need to paint! It comes right out of the mold looking like real stone. While you can paint your terrain or enhance it with a wash or dry brush – it’s not required to make your dungeon look great. It’s ready right out of the box. With out 3D printed buildings, we use NIGHT GRAY and WOOD BROWN filament, giving the structures a realistic look.
Magnetic: All dungeon pieces have tiny magnets embedded below the surface, making them invisible. These magnets allow the pieces to “snap” together. With out 3D printed buildings, all pieces fit together in tiny grooves.
Say Goodbye to “Half-Squares”: our design features FULL ONE INCH SQUARES, and rarely includes those pesky HALF squares along the walls.
No assembly required: there is nothing to build. Each piece is a complete room. Say goodbye to tiny “clips” that are easily lost. No more wasting precious game time building and assembling rooms.
Quickly Setup Your Dungeon & PLAY! Each DrakenStone terrain piece is a complete room. Unlike most terrain sets, set up is fast and easy. Just lay the pieces out before your game starts, and let your players explore, or bring out the rooms one at a time as they’re discovered. With DrakenStone, a bump of the table won’t ruin your whole set-up. The tiny magnets embedded below the surface hold the pieces together. This gives you lots of options for quick customization and ‘on-the-fly’ changes to the map.
Great for In-Person or Online! Our “low wall” design (also known as 2.5D) allows all the players at the table to have a clear, unobstructed view of the figures in the game. This is great for in person play, but especially useful if you’re playing via Zoom or skype. Now you don’t need to set the camera directly above the dungeon. No more blocked views from tall walls.
Universal! Completely compatible with other terrain sets. Compliment your existing terrain.
Customizable: Get a pre-generated map and dungeon adventure… or customize and build your own map.
Wide Variety Available: Concerned that you can’t change the shape of the rooms? We have over three dozen rooms shapes available, and are adding more all the time. We also offer a medieval tavern (the Keg ’n Kettle), STACKABLE 3D dungeons (the Catacombs set), STACKABLE 3D buildings (the Thieve’s Guild set), a magic portal for your cell phone, L.E.D. light up columns and walls, a Gladiator Arena, dungeon and tavern accessories, magnetic bricks for use with dry-erase grid mats or gaming paper, flat dungeon tiles with NO walls, a HEROQUEST board, dice boxes and dice rollers, plus Build-It-Yourself kits, the full line of blocks designed by Hirst Arts, and the full line of figures designed by Ill Gotten Games… and the whole line of buildings from Dadi Dungeon Dintorni, and even doors with stained glass windows!